Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tis the Season...

to not fight traffic and overcrowded malls. It's amazing to me that so many people still do most of their shopping for the holiday out and about. Most companies offer free shipping during this season and ship within a few days. Driving around Waldorf (the definition of urban sprawl and excessive business glorification), there seems to be more traffic lights than cars. Name a business, and it's there.
I think most people are traditionalists. They enjoy fighting the traffic, waiting in long lines and the Dog and Pony show that most businesses put on for the holidays. I would rather click a few buttons and wait for the item to come to me.
I still will never understand the phenomenon of waiting in a long line at 5:00 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving. When they open the gates, animal instinct takes over. The people remind me of animals hunting a kill in Africa. It is actually a disturbing anarchy. All I can ask is...Why?

Photo Credit: Jim McKeeth's photostream


Cathy Jo Nelson said...

Woody, we do a lot of our shopping online, but we also wait until the week before the hoiday to get our local gifts. Can't beat the bargains today-I got Mom a Liz Claiburne purse that normally retails at $100 for just $20. While the shopping today was frenzied, I did get some good bargains.

A. Woody DeLauder said...

I can definitely see braving the crowds for some good bargains. I still have a few items to get tomorrow, but am not looking forward to it. Thanks for the comment:)